Lab News


October 2024

Yi-Chun completes the Chicago marathon!

Emma's undergrad course is featured in a Daily Northwestern story about the new AI minor.

Emma serves as the CIERA judge for the NASA Space Apps Chicago hackathon.

September 2024

BIV lab begins mentoring a cohort of 4 undergraduate researchers as part of Sruti Bhagavatula's CS 298 CS Research Track Program.

Emma gives an invited talk on "Reverse-Engineering Biological Cameras" at the WashU ESE seminar.

Emma joins the Center for Robotics and Biosystems as an affiliated faculty member. 

BIVlab is a part of the newly-announced SkAI NSF National AI Research Institute in Astronomy.

Emma attends National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Symposium .

Kerem completes his internship project at Dolby!

August 2024

Emma gives an invited talk on "Where to Put Data for Deconvolution" at Argonne National Lab's Applied AI Seminar.

MA defends his master's thesis on "Bubble Localization and Rendering for the Scintillating Bubble Chamber"!

July 2024

Emma gives an invited talk on "Reverse-Engineering Evolved Cameras" at ICCP, where she also serves as DEI & Outreach chair, travel award faculty mentor, and member of the best paper award selection committee.

Emma lectures at the Cold Spring Harbor Lab Computational Neuroscience: Vision summer course.

Tianao gives an invited talk at the Boston University ECE Seminar!

June 2024

Tianao's outreach curriculum on deconvolution is featured in the Research Experiences in Astronomy at CIERA for High school students (REACH) program!

Kerem begins a summer internship at Dolby!

The Center for Engineering in Vision and Ophthalmology (CEVO) launches, with Emma as affiliated faculty.

Emma is selected for the NAE Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.

May 2024

Emma cohosts a Courageous Conversations workshop with Michelle Buck and Graduate Women in Computing (GWiC).

Emma shares her work on jumping spiders in a Veritasium video that reaches >1M viewers in its first 24 hours and trends at #6 on youtube.

Eugenia Cao and Michael Hartmann both receive the Feldmann Fellowship to support their summer research in the lab!

Emma gives an invited talk at the Janelia Computational Optics Conference.

Sungheon Park joins the lab as a research associate!

Kerem's work is featured in McCormick news!

April 2024

Jackson selects UMass Amherst for his PhD!

March 2024

Emma receives a joint appointment at Argonne National Lab.

February 2024

Kerem's paper "HyperColorization: propagating spatially sparse noisy spectral clues for reconstructing hyperspectral images" is accepted at Optics Express!

Emma's DEI work is featured in McCormick's Engineering News.

January 2024

Emma gives an invited talk on "Bio-Inspired Computational Imaging" at Dolby's Future of Cinema summit.

Emma gives an invited talk on "Bio-Inspired Computational Imaging" and serves as an invited panelist on "The Future of Computational Imaging" at Electronic Imaging.

Tianao presents his work at the CIERA observers group!

Emma's paper "Transformations of sensory information in the brain suggest changing criteria for optimality" is published by PLOS Computational Biology.

Tianao's work is featured in the McCormick Magazine!

Emma is elected to the IEEE Computational Imaging Technical Committee.


December 2023

Emma presents "Theorizing Gaps Between Visual Anatomy and Behavior" at the Theory@EMBL seminar.

November 2023

Jackson Michaels presents "Kinematic imaging of salticid eye tubes with noisy X-ray video" at Sensorium!

Emma gives the Darema lecture at IIT.

Our work with the YWCA is featured as part of the Program Highlight at the 2023 YWomen Leadership Celebration, including the debut of a short documentary of our progress so far.

September 2023

Tianao and Yi-Chun arrive at Northwestern to begin their PhDs!

Emma teaches Natural & Artificial Vision at IITDM Jabalpur as a Fulbright Specialist.

Emma joins the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering by courtesy.

July 2023

Tianao presents his galaxy deconvolution paper at Northwestern's Astro Imaging Workshop, organized by Emma and Jason Wang

Kerem presents a poster on HyperColorization at ICCP, where Emma launches a three-pronged DEI program as inaugural DEI & Outreach Chair.

Emma participates in STEAM Scholars Summer Camp.

June 2023

Emma's work with the YW Tech Lab receives a Northwestern Racial Equity and Community Partnership Grant!

Yi-Chun receives the Taiwan-Northwestern Doctoral Scholarship!

May 2023

Emma receives a Fulbright specialist program award.

April 2023

Yi-Chun Hung and Tianao Li accept admission to Northwestern for their PhDs!

The lab is thrilled to receive support from Dolby!

Read about Tianao's MNRAS letter in Northwestern Now, Popular Science, and The Register.

Emma joins the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) at Northwestern.

Emma hosts an Equity in Tech training at Northwestern through the YWCA's Equity Institute.

March 2023

Emma kicks off a new advanced elective course, CS 396 Natural and Artificial Vision.

Congratulations to Yiran Zhang and Kelly Jiang for completing their master's degrees!

Our outreach work with YWCA is highlighted in McCormick Engineering News: "Building a More Inclusive Tech Ecosystem."

February 2023

"Thermal Spread Functions (TSF): Physics-guided Material Classification" accepted at CVPR 2023.

Tianao's paper "Galaxy Image Deconvolution for Weak Gravitational Lensing with Unrolled Plug-and-Play ADMM" accepted as an MNRAS Letter!

January 2023

Diya Basrai joins the lab as a NUIN rotation student!


November 2022

Current Biology publishes Optic Flow in the Natural Habitats of Zebrafish Supports Spatial Biases in Visual Self-Motion Estimation, see project page. Media coverage by Northwestern (reposted by, ScienceDaily), the Independent  (reposted by MSN, Yahoo News), the British Times, and more reached an estimated 1.5 mil readers.

Emma and the Morehouse lab have beamtime at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory.

October 2022

Emma launches YW Tech Lab tutoring with Sarah Van Wart and the YWCA

Emma becomes a member of the Northwestern University Interdisciplinary Neuroscience (NUIN) program.

September 2022

Emma offers a graduate seminar, CS 496 Computational Optics.

Tianao Li begins his senior thesis!

Yiran Zhang and Kelly Jiang begin their masters theses!

Emma joins the Cognitive Science Program Committee.

August 2022

Kerem Aydin arrives from Turkey to begin his PhD!

Emma serves as Community & Broadcasting Chair for ICCP.

June 2022

Emma organizes the Computational Cameras and Displays workshop at CVPR.

May 2022

Emma gives AI brown bag lunch talk: "Bio-Inspired Low Level Vision".

April 2022

Emma gives an invited talk at the Redwood Meeting at UC Berkeley: "Modeling Constraints on Fisher Information".

Tianao Li begins a summer project on astronomical imaging!

Emma gives NU Neurobiology Seminar: "Reverse-Engineering Visual Systems".

March 2022

Emma joins the Computer Science Department at Northwestern as an Assistant Professor.