
Papers (Conferences & Journals)

[14] Aydin, M.K., Guo, Q., & Alexander, E. (2024).  HyperColorization: propagating spatially sparse noisy spectral clues for reconstructing hyperspectral images. Optics Express.

[13] Manning, T.S., Alexander, E., Cumming, B.G., DeAngelis, G.C., Huang, X., & Cooper, E.A. (2024). Transformations of sensory information in the brain suggest changing criteria for optimality. PLOS Computational Biology.

[12] Dashpute, A., Saragadam, V., Alexander, E., Willomitzer, F., Katsaggelos, A.,  Veeraraghavan, A., & Cossairt, O. (2023) Thermal Spread Functions (TSF): Physics-guided Material Classification. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).

[11] Li, T., & Alexander, E. (2023) Galaxy Image Deconvolution for Weak Gravitational Lensing with Unrolled Plug-and-Play ADMM. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters (MNRAS).

[10] Alexander, E., Cai, L.T., Fuchs S., Hladnik, T., Zhang, Y., Subramanian, V., Guilbeault, N., Vijayajumar, C., Arunachalam, M., Juntti, S.A., Thiele, T., Arrenberg, A.B., & Cooper, E.A. (2022) Optic Flow in the Natural Habitats of Zebrafish Supports Spatial Biases in Visual Self-Motion Estimation. Current Biology.

[9] Alexander, E., Kabuli, L.A., Cossairt, O.S. & Waller, L. (2021) Depth from Defocus as a Special Case of the Transport of Intensity Equation. IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP). 

[8] Guo, Q., Shi, Z., Huang, Y., Alexander, E., Qiu, C., Capasso, F., & Zickler, T. (2019). Compact single-shot metalens depth sensors inspired by eyes of jumping spiders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

[7] Kunsberg, B., Holtmann-Rice, D., Alexander, E., Cholewiak, S., Fleming, R., & Zucker, S. W. (2018). Colour, contours, shading and shape: flow interactions reveal anchor neighbourhoods. Royal Society Interface Focus.

[6] Alexander, E., Guo, Q., Koppal, S., Gortler, S., & Zickler, T. (2017). Focal Flow: Velocity and Depth from Differential Defocus Through Motion. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV).

[5] Guo, Q., Alexander, E., & Zickler, T. (2017). Focal Track: Depth and Accommodation with Oscillating Lens Deformation. International Conference on Computer Vision.  Best Demo ICCP 2018

[4] Alexander, E., Guo, Q., Koppal, S., Gortler, S., & Zickler, T. (2016). Focal Flow: Measuring Distance and Velocity with Defocus and Differential Motion. European Conference on Computer Vision. Best Student Paper ECCV 2016

[3] MacEachron, P., Alexander, E., Khan, N., Randeria, M., Braun, J., & Stewart, C. (2014). Effects of Curvature on Spacecraft Propellant Management Screens. AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference.

[2] Alexander, E., Bank, C., Yang, J.J., Hayes, B., & Scassellati, B. (2014). Asking for Help from a Gendered Robot. Cognitive Sciences Society Annual Conference.

[1] Hayes, B., Ullman, D., Alexander, E., Bank, C., & Scassellati, B. (2014). People Help Robots Who Help Others, Not Robots Who Help Themselves. International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication.


[11] Korman, D., Harris, O., Michaels, J., Alexander, E., & Morehouse, N. Investigating retinal dynamics & focal accommodation in jumping spiders through x-ray video imaging. The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.

[10] Michaels, J., Korman, D., Harris, O., Morehouse, N., & Alexander, E. (2023) Kinematic Imaging of Salticid Eye Tubes with Noisy X-Ray Video. Sensorium.

[9] Aydin, M.K., Guo, Q. , & Alexander, E. (2023) Propagating Spatially Sparse Noisy Spectral Clues over Hyperspectral Images. IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography. 

[8] Dashpute, A., Saragadam, V., Alexander, E., Willomitzer, F., Katsaggelos, A.,  Veeraraghavan, A., & Cossairt, O. (2023) Thermal Spread Functions (TSF): Physics-guided Material Classification. IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography. 

[7] Manning, T.S., Alexander, E., DeAngelis, G.C., Huang, X., & Cooper, E.A. (2022) Role of MT disparity tuning biases in figure-ground segregation. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (Virtual Poster).

[6] Alexander, E., Venatesh K.S., Hladnik, T.C., Guilbeault, N.C., Cai L.T., Thiele T.R., Arrenberg, A.B., & Cooper, E.C. (2021) Self-motion cues in the natural habitats of zebrafish support lower visual field bias. Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference Talk + Travel Award).

[5] Bowers, N.R., Gibaldi, A., Alexander, E., Banks, M.S. & Roorda, A. (2019) High-resolution eye tracking using scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (Poster).

[4] Alexander, E., Koppal, S., & Zickler, T. (2015). Low Power Depth and Velocity From a Passive Moving Sensor. International Conference on Computational Vision Workshops (Extreme Imaging Workshop Poster).

[3] Peters, D.C., Alexander, E., Duncan, J.S., Papademetris, X., Cornfeld, D., Sinusas, A.J., & Chelikani, S. (2014). Correlation between Cine-derived Strain and Late Gadolinium Enhancement in the Left Atrium. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Annual Conference Poster).

[2] Alexander, E., Holtmann-Rice, D., & Zucker, S.W. (2013). When Shading Flows With Color: Grounding Shape and Material Inference. Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference Poster).

[1] Holtmann-Rice, D., Alexander, E., Fleming, R., & Zucker, S.W. (2013). When Color Flows With Shading: Making Depth Disappear. Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference Poster).